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An Error has occured retrieving Wikidata item for infobox SF3A3‏ (Splicing factor 3a subunit 3) هوَ بروتين يُشَفر بواسطة جين SF3A3 في الإنسان.[1][2][3][1]


الأهمية السريرية


  1. ^ أ ب "Entrez Gene: SF3A3 splicing factor 3a, subunit 3, 60kDa". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2010-12-05.
  2. ^ Kramer A؛ Legrain P؛ Mulhauser F؛ Groning K؛ Brosi R؛ Bilbe G (فبراير 1995). "Splicing factor SF3a60 is the mammalian homologue of PRP9 of S.cerevisiae: the conserved zinc finger-like motif is functionally exchangeable in vivo". Nucleic Acids Res. ج. 22 ع. 24: 5223–8. DOI:10.1093/nar/22.24.5223. PMC:332064. PMID:7816610.
  3. ^ Chiara MD؛ Champion-Arnaud P؛ Buvoli M؛ Nadal-Ginard B؛ Reed R (أغسطس 1994). "Specific protein-protein interactions between the essential mammalian spliceosome-associated proteins SAP 61 and SAP 114". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. ج. 91 ع. 14: 6403–7. Bibcode:1994PNAS...91.6403C. DOI:10.1073/pnas.91.14.6403. PMC:44210. PMID:8022796.

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